Summer Cleaning Tips

With the school holidays fast approaching and hopefully some warm weather on the horizon, we have put together a few summer cleaning tips for summer… we cannot promise how long the house will stay clean for once the kids are off but at least your home will start off clean!
Summer Tips
1.Clean any air-con filters or fans you have around the house, chances are they have not been used for a while so give the filters on an air conditioning unit a thorough clean, if it is clogged up with dust and dirt it will not function as well as it should and even worse it could break when it is most needed. Dusty fans can enhance allergies and will just spread dust everywhere as they rotate. Warm soapy water or a vacuum on the filters should work fine, and a clean damp cloth for the fans (obviously making sure they are unplugged at the time).
2. When the weather gets warmer bacteria breeds faster, so take time to clean out your fridge, remove everything including the shelves and removable trays or drawers, and check jars and food for dates, anything out of date throw it away, even if it has been in the fridge, it can still go off. Use antibacterial wipes or a warm bowl of water with anti-bacterial cleaner and get in all the nooks and crannies where bacteria could be lurking.
3. Clear out the freezer, remove all the food in there, try and keep it cool and covered in ice if possible while you chip away at the excess ice. You can gently use a car ice scraper and a little warm water. Any food that is out of date throw away.
4. While the weather is dry, get those windows washed! warm soapy water and a sponge will get your windows sparkling.
5. Keep all surfaces clean and germ-free by wiping them down at least once a day and do not leave leftover food out, summer is, unfortunately, the season for bugs and ants. The humidity encourages all the creepy crawlies so anti baccing and keeping all the worktops clean will help in keeping germs at bay.
The Creaseline Cleaning Services
If you would rather not spend those long summer days doing chores, why don’t you let The Creaseline Cleaning do the hard work for you? We offer a range of domestic cleaning services including bed changing, window cleaning, and oven cleaning.
Contact Us Today!
Why not give us a call on 0121 314 8828 or fill out our contact form and see how our friendly and professional cleaning team can get your house spotless saving you precious time to enjoy the summer sun!
So, if you want to find out more about Our Services, get in touch today!
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